Slow Down … and Lose Weight

People who wolf down their food are more likely to bet and suffer from digestive problems. So here are some tips on setting a healthier eating pace to help you better manage symptoms of your PCOS
Try to make a habit of putting down your fork, knife or spoon after each bite and don’t pick them again until you’ve swallowed your food. If you’re eating finger food, place it on your plate between bites. To really slow yourself down, try eating any kind of meal with chopsticks.

Take a break once or twice during a meal and stop eating for a minute. Delaying tactics can include talking to someone or drinking some water and taking note of how full you’re becoming.
Otherwise, it takes 15 to 20 minutes for your digestive system to tell your brain that you’ve had enough and you’ll really pack on the pounds if you leave it until that feeling fully registers.
For much more information about PCOS and how to better manage and even reverse this condition, visit our web site by clicking on:

If you have concerns about polycystic ovarian syndrome, just click “Contact Us” for a free health consultation with our Coaching & Advisory Teams.

Next Steps

  1. Take the PCOS Quiz!  Get your score and assess your hormone health risks.
  2. Join our Facebook Sisterhood Group Pose your questions to this group of like-minded women. Get the answers to your questions and the support you need.
  3. Checkout the Hormone Reset. Guided Practices to eliminate anxiety, lose weight and boost energy.

We are committed to helping women reverse their symptoms of hormone imbalance – a major cause of excess weight gain, adult acne, unwanted facial hair, depression, anxiety, and heartbreaking female infertility.

©Insulite Health empowers women with hormone imbalance to transform their lives through a process of healing with the Natural Hormone Solution  –a complete solution for helping women reverse the symptoms hormone imbalance..