Frequently Asked Questions – Answered

Questions About PCOS

Questions About Insulin Resistance

Questions About Weight Loss

Questions About Ordering the Natural Hormone Solution Program


About PCOS

What are the symptoms of PCOS and how do they relate to Insulin Resistance?

The symptoms of PCOS can vary from woman to woman and can include excessive weight gain, irregular or completely absent periods, ovarian cysts, excessive facial or body hair known as hirsutism, male pattern hair loss (alopecia) obesity, acne, skin tags (growths on the skin that can be as big as raisins), high cholesterol levels, exhaustion or lack of mental alertness, depression, anxiety, decreased sex drive, excess male hormones, and infertility. PCOS is primarily caused by excess weight gain and obesity brought on by Insulin Resistance.


What tests can I have to determine if I have PCOS?

The diagnostic criteria are not definitive for PCOS. However, Insulin Resistance generally lies behind this condition. There are several tests that help confirm Insulin Resistance: a fasting insulin blood test and cholesterol panels (specifically, triglycerides).Your testosterone, cortisol, and DHEA can also be tested.If your physician can perform a pelvic ultrasound of your ovaries there might be visible cysts. If you do not have cysts this does NOT mean you do NOT have PCOS. If you have weight gain, acne, hair growth, irregular or absent menses, difficulty with conception, family history of Diabetes or Cardiovascular Disease, you might have this condition. Treatment is usually ineffective pharmaceutically and is usually more effective if strategies are aimed at lifestyle changes and reducing insulin levels.


How does the Insulite Natural Hormone Solution help women with PCOS?


The Insulite Natural Hormone Solution helps transform symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. The system will support the body’s ability to balance insulin levels and other hormones to better manage PCOS symptoms like unwanted hair growth, fatigue, skin problems, infertility, mood swings, and weight gain. The system will also help manage the symptoms of PCOS by balancing estrogen and progesterone, lowering androgen hormones and the DHT pathway and stimulating SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) to regulate ovulation, which is essential to becoming pregnant. It may also help to normalize menstrual cycles and increase progesterone levels. [individual results may vary] The Insulite Natural Hormone Solution includes the following equally important 5 elements for transforming symptoms of PCOS:
1. Nutraceutical Element scientifically formulated to support the body’s ability to balance insulin levels and other hormones to better manage PCOS symptoms;
2. Nutrition Element step-by-step guide designed to be satisfying and easy to follow while offering a powerful and effective strategy to help you neutralize carbohydrate and sugar cravings and avoid the dreaded “rebound effect” associated with many diets;
3. Movement Element developed to assist you in reframing your perspective of exercise and designed with the specific goal of supporting you to increase your cells’ sensitivity to insulin and keeping your other hormones in balance;
4. Cravings Awareness Element protocol that encourages you to slowly wean yourself off your addiction to certain foods by helping you balance the neurochemicals that contribute to these powerful addictions and cravings;
5. Support Element includes private group and one-on-one resources. Nature has wired us to support one another. With support, biochemical actions take place  that help us reverse PCOS symptoms.
You will receive detailed 104 page guide that will show you step-by-step how to implement all 5 equally important elements so critical to reversing PCOS. [individual results may vary]


Are there any stimulants in the Nutritional Supplements?

No. We do not believe the stimulant approach is beneficial for long-term weight loss, which is vital for managing PCOS in most women. Stimulants can be dangerous when taken on a daily basis and Insulite Health is committed to your wellbeing by providing a lasting, scientifically-based solution to your weight and health problems. Weight loss products containing stimulants can cause problems if you have high blood pressure, glaucoma, edema, a history of stroke, if you are pregnant, or if you have heart palpitations or hyperaldosteronism. [individual results may vary]


How long do I have to be on the Natural Hormone Solution until I feel better?

How long it takes to notice positive improvements depends on the individual. Many people feel better in the first several weeks of being on the Natural Hormone Solution, notably an increase in their energy and a decrease in their carbohydrate cravings. Some women start to lose weight (about 1 pound per week) early on, while for others it takes longer. Regulation of the menstrual cycle and reduction of excess hair growth may take longer because your hormones have to be balanced. We recommend that you follow the program for at least six months. [individual results may vary]


How long do I have to be on the Natural Hormone Solution Program? (e.g. will I be able to stop after 6 months without symptoms returning?)

How long you stay on the program depends on your progress, on how much weight you need to lose, on your symptoms, etc. We certainly don’t want our customers to have to take the Nutritional Supplements for the rest of their lives! We do, however, hope you will continue the healthy lifestyle elements of the program with respect to the nutrition and exercise guidelines. Scientific research overwhelmingly confirms the fact that a truly effective change in the body at a cellular level needs to be gradual. You did not develop PCOS overnight. Therefore, it is not realistic or safe to attempt or expect a complete reversal in a few days.We recommend that you follow the Insulite PCOS System for at least six months. Then we would like to evaluate your progress with you and make recommendations for a course of action based on that evaluation. If you have made great improvements, we might suggest you go to half the suggested use of the Nutritional Supplements for awhile and then eventually discontinue them. We believe that by correcting the underlying cause and modifying your lifestyle you can reverse the symptoms of PCOS.Please do not be discouraged! Research shows that the rapid weight loss evident in most fad diets is almost immediately followed by rapid weight gain. Why? Because the body has a memory. If you have been overweight for some time, your body recognizes that weight as its normal state. When you lose weight quickly, the body does not have time to habituate. It sees the rapid weight loss as abnormal and, once a diet is stopped, it makes an effort to get back as quickly as possible to the normal retaining of fat. At Insulite Health, we emphasize gradual weight loss so the body can slowly adapt to a lighter weight. In fact, in an effort to eliminate the dreaded “rebound effect” of weight loss and gain, we recommend in most instances that you lose no more than one-half to one pound a week. Insulite Health wants you to be healthy for life, not thin for one event in your life. Because of the factors above, we recommend that you dedicate at least six months to the Natural Hormone Solution. [individual results may vary]


How many pills are there to take every day?

The InsulX, RejuvaPlus and PolyPlus products are to be taken two capsules twice per day at breakfast & dinner (12 capsules per day). The total number of capsules may be greater than most programs because Insulite Heath knows there is no one pill that can affect the same type of changes as our system. In fact, you are changing numerous ways in which your body heals itself and these changes need to be supported with the optimum amounts of nutrients.


Are there any drug interactions between pharmaceutical medications and the nutritional supplements?

There have been no studies examining the effects of pharmaceutical drugs on the Natural Hormone Solution supplements and vice versa. However, members of Insulite’s Consulting & Advisory Teams can look at the mechanism of action of your medications and the System’s supplements to assess the likelihood of interactions. Just contact us to discuss your specific medication. Please consult with your physician before discontinuing the use of any medication. [individual results may vary]


How should I take the pills supplements?

With Breakfast: PolyPlus – 2 capsules, InsulX – 2 capsules and RejuvaPlus – 2 capsules
With Lunch: PolyPlus – 2 capsules, InsulX – 2 capsules and RejuvaPlus – 2 capsules

If you forget to take one of the supplements with breakfast or lunch, you can take them with dinner.


Has the Natural Hormone Solution been approved by the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration)?

The FDA regulates the manufacture of Nutritional Supplements but the Ntural Hormone Solution has not been approved by the FDA. The Insulite supplements are manufactured using the highest quality vitamins, minerals, and botanicals that can affect metabolic change. Our manufacturer certifies the identity of all ingredients in our formulas. Additionally, research conducted by Insulite Health confirms the safety of this formulation of nutrients. There are no known toxicities to any ingredients in any of our formulas.


How do I dispose of the Insulite Supplements?

For information regarding the proper methods of disposing of unused medicines please visit the FDA website at


Are the Insulite supplements made in the USA?

Yes, all of our nutritional supplement products, which are also known as dietary supplements, are made in the USA.


What is the source of the ingredients (vitamins, minerals, and herbs) in your supplements ?

They come from various sources. The adrenals are a high quality freeze dried mix from Argentina; they are bovine. The pancreatic tissues  are derived from porcine (pig) from the United States. All flax seed, for example, is made from organic flax seeds sourced from the northern USA. Most minerals, some extracts, and vitamins are sourced from an international source which is the industry standard.


How can I be sure that the ingredients in the Insulite supplements are of the highest quality?

Our manufacturer develops relationships only with reputable suppliers and manufacturers who maintain the highest standards of production and testing to ensure the purity and integrity of the ingredients. All products have a certificate of analysis from their source and each batch is individually tested for microbial limits (when applicable), purity, and heavy metals.Our manufacturer is a cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices) company that is fully compliant with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations.The FDA has extensive cGMP regulations for dietary supplement manufacturers with a 2010 deadline for full compliance. Our manufacturer is in full compliance with the new regulations, and they are regularly inspected by the FDA on a drop-in basis. Certificates of Analysis for the Insulite nutritional supplements are available for review by customers. Email us your name, email address, supplement name, i.e. InsulX and the Lot numbers stamped on the side of the bottle.

What is the shelf life of the Insulite supplements?

Two (2) years from date of manufacture. The manufacture date is clearly marked on each bottle.


My Doctor has prescribed an anti-depressant for me. Is it safe to take this medication with your product?

It is safe to combine SSRI’s (Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors), the most commonly prescribed anti-depressants, with Insulite Nutritional supplements, to the best of our knowledge.Unfortunately, there are no clinical trials on the use of SSRI’s and Nutritional Supplements in any combination. We have many clients who are on SSRI’s and there has been no feedback regarding side effects, although the potential always exists as individuals experience substances differently. Examples of SSRI’s include Prozac, Luvox, Celexa, Paxil, Zoloft and Lexapro.In addition, there are several different classes of anti-depressants, none of which have undergone clinical trials with nutrients in any combination. These include NDRIs (Norepinephrine and dopamine re-uptake inhibitors), which include Wellbutrin, and SNRIs (Serotonin and norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitors), such as Effexor, among others.If you are taking an anti-depressant other than an SSRI, please contact a member of the our Consulting & Advisory Teams and we can assess the possibility of any interactions. [individual results may vary]

Do I need a prescription for the Natural Hormone Solution?

No, a prescription is not required.


Is your system covered by health insurance?

Unfortunately at this time, the majority of insurance companies do not recognize the use of nutritional supplements, although some insurance companies do.


I am trying to become pregnant. Will the Natural Hormone Solution reverse my infertility?

We cannot promise the program will reverse infertility, although we know it can address several of the causative factors behind this condition. As stated on our website, losing weight and getting your insulin levels regulated will help to reduce ovarian cysts and help to normalize hormonal imbalances, thereby enhancing your ability to conceive. [individual results may vary]


Are there any ingredients in the Natural Hormone Solution Supplements that may prevent me from becoming pregnant?

No. There are no ingredients in the Nutritional Supplements that can prevent you from becoming pregnant. In fact, if you are having difficulty conceiving, lowering your insulin levels is a way to enhance your ability to conceive. We do recommend, however, that if you become pregnant while using the Natural Hormone Solution, that you discontinue using the Natural Hormone Solution nutritional supplements during your pregnancy, and switch to the PCOS Pregnancy PLUS Nutrient System until you finish breastfeeding. After you finish breastfeeding you can resume the Natural Hormone Solution nutritional supplements. The reason is that while we know the Natural Hormone Solution is safe, the Insulite Nutritional supplements have not been tested in clinical trials on pregnant women. [individual results may vary]


Is it safe to continue trying to get pregnant while on the Natural Hormone Solution?

It is safe to continue trying to get pregnant while you are on the program. However, if you become pregnant while using the Natural Hormone Solution, we recommend that you discontinue using the Natural Hormone Solution nutritional supplements during your pregnancy, and switch to the PCOS Pregnancy PLUS Nutrient System until you finish breastfeeding. After you finish breastfeeding you can resume the Natural Hormone Solution nutritional supplements. The reason is that while we know the Natural Hormone Solution is safe, the Insulite Nutritional supplements have not been tested in clinical trials on pregnant women.
. [individual results may vary]


Is the Natural Hormone Solution safe to use while pregnant?

Insulite Health wants to support the healthy changes you have made while on the program. However, if you conceive while on the Natural Hormone Solution nutrients and lifestyle changes, we recommend that you discontinue the nutritional supplements and switch to the PCOS Pregnancy Plus Nutrient System until after you have finished nursing. The reason is that while we know the Nutritional supplements are safe, they have not been tested in clinical trials on pregnant women. But we strongly encourage you to switch to the PCOS Pregnancy Plus Nutrient System which we know is safe for pregnant and nursing mothers. And we encourage you to stay on the nutrition and exercise plans, as these recommendations are also safe for pregnant as well as nursing mothers. [individual results may vary]


Is the Natural Hormone Solutioon safe to use while nursing?

Insulite Health congratulates you on your pregnancy and the birth of your child. We recommend that you discontinue the use of the Nutritional supplements and continue with the PCOS Pregnancy Plus Nutrient System until you have stopped nursing. The reason is that while we know the supplements are safe, the Insulite PCOS Nutritional supplements have not been tested in clinical trials on pregnant women. But we strongly encourage you to switch to the PCOS Pregnancy Plus Nutrient System which we know is safe for pregnant and nursing mothers. And we encourage you to stay on the nutrition and exercise plans, as these recommendations are also safe for pregnant as well as nursing mothers. [individual results may vary]


How will the Natural Hormone Solution help decrease androgens?

The entire Solution has been specifically designed to help decrease circulating androgens. One of Insulite Nutritional Supplement products provides saw palmetto, botanical that has been studied thoroughly in the inhibition of testosterone conversion. Additionally, the ingredients in Insulite Nutritional Supplements promote the production of sex hormone binding globulin which serves to bind available testosterone and make it unavailable. In addition, as a woman loses weight, her circulating androgens decrease. [individual results may vary]


Is there anything about the Natural Hormone Solution that will increase blood pressure?

No, none of the elements of the program will have a negative impact on blood pressure levels. One additional long-term benefit of the program is that, by lowering circulating fasting insulin levels as a result of good moderate nutrition and exercise, you will eventually reduce high blood pressure. Elevated levels of insulin can damage the interior lining of vessels and contribute to high blood pressure or hypertension. [individual results may vary]


I don’t have a weight problem. Can I still have PCOS?

There is a small percentage of women with PCOS who are considered “lean”. They do not have the weight issues common to most PCOS sufferers, who experience cascading hormone changes because of their extra weight. But thin women can also suffer from PCOS because of genetic contribution that, might be beyond their ability to change.Lean women with PCOS will still benefit from the Natural Hormone Solution to help reverse the metabolic consequences of having PCOS. [individual results may vary]


Can I purchase the supplements only, without the diet and exercise guidelines?

The diet, exercise, craving awareness and support community elements are included in the price of the Program . We do not sell the different elements individually, because the Natural Hormone Solution is designed to work as a whole. Insulite Health finds that the best results are achieved when combining all five elements together. Even if you already have a “good” diet and you exercise regularly, you will likely benefit from the suggestions offered in the program. Our diet, exercise, craving awareness and support community elements are designed to enhance the overall effects of the Insulite Natural Hormone Solution. [individual results may vary]


Can my teenager take the Insulite PCOS products and safely follow the program?

Yes, the diet and exercise recommendations are safe for everyone over the age of 12. However, it is recommended that teenagers take the Insulite Nutritional Supplements at half the adult suggested use because there have been no clinical studies conducted with teenagers using these formulas. Please contact our Consulting & Advisory Teams to discuss suggested uses for YOUR teenager. Half of the adult suggested use is: InsulX: 2 capsules per day; RejuvaPlus: 2 capsules per day and PolyPlus: 2 capsules per day. It is ideal to take these nutrients twice per day rather than all at once. [individual results may vary]


How will I feel when I use the Natural Hormone Solution?

As you get into the Nutrition and Exercise Plans, and the longer you are on the program, you should feel more energized and your levels of stamina are apt to stay constant throughout the day. Afternoon lulls in focus or concentration should decrease. You are certain to experience a marked reduction in cravings for simple carbohydrates in the early afternoon. Most people will also sleep more soundly and will awake more refreshed in the morning. [individual results may vary]


Does PCOS cause alopecia?

Yes, it is one direct cause of the condition. PCOS causes increased androgens (male hormones) and these have a specific effect at the site of the hair follicle. The Insulite PCOS System will help balance hormones and help reverse this symptom. [individual results may vary]


Can surgery treat PCOS?

The removal of ovarian cysts is not an effective way to treat PCOS. Cysts on the ovaries are the result of hormone imbalances that normally begin with the production of too much insulin. This over-abundance of insulin can cause an increase in male hormones called androgens or testosterone, which eventually can create the cysts. As a result, removing the cysts does not remove the problem, just a symptom. Moreover, numerous research studies have observed what happens when the ovaries or just the cysts are removed, and PCOS continues. [individual results may vary]


Can I use oral contraceptives while on the Natural Hormone Solution?

We do not recommend oral contraceptives because they are synthetic hormones that mask some of the symptoms of PCOS rather than fixing the problems. Treating absent menses with oral contraceptives does not treat the underlying disorder of PCOS and when the contraceptives are discontinued, the PCOS symptoms will persist. Our philosophy is to treat the cause of the disorder so there is no longer a need for using contraceptives for inducing menses. [individual results may vary]


I am Diabetic. Will being on the Natural Hormone Solution cause changes in my insulin dose?

Yes. We recommend that you are careful about watching your insulin dosages and blood sugar levels for several weeks when first starting this program. It is important to monitor your blood sugar levels 3-4 times per day especially initially. The nutrients in this formula are effective helping to maintain normal blood sugar levels and the diet changes we recommend require that most people use less insulin. Both the nutrients in the Insulite supplements and the lifestyle changes of nutrition and exercise can cause a drastic decrease in insulin requirements. Please work with your physician to help you find the correct balance of insulin if you are diabetic. [individual results may vary]


Having been diagnosed with PCOS, I am considering having an IUD inserted to regulate my menstrual cycle. Is this effective?

While the IUD is a great non-hormonal solution to pregnancy prevention, it is not used effectively for inducing menstruation if a woman is not having her period. [individual results may vary]


I am gluten-sensitive. Is there any ingredient in the Insulite Nutritional Supplements that would create an allergic reaction?

There is no gluten in any of our formulas.


I have been diagnosed with PCOS but don’t have problems with weight gain. Would the Insulite Natural Hormone Solution still work for me?

Yes. We recommend that you still comply with the diet, exercise, and nutritional supplementation because most likely you still suffer from some hormonal imbalances that cause PCOS symptoms to continue. The Insulite Natural Hormone Solution is designed to reduce insulin levels, which is the major cause of PCOS; however, there are still issues with elevated testosterone and the metabolism of other hormones that require correction. [individual results may vary]


Is your product appropriate for someone with hypoglycemia?

Yes. However, we recommend that you are careful about watching your blood sugar levels for several weeks when first starting on the program. It is important to monitor your blood sugar levels 3-4 times per day especially initially. The diet changes we recommend require that individuals with hypoglycemia are vigilant about their blood sugar levels. Additionally, if you suffer from hypoglycemia, eat 5-6 small meals per day that are protein-based and watch consumption of carbohydrates. [individual results may vary]


I just began taking Fortemet 500mg in the morning for PCOS. Do I continue with this medication while using the Natural Hormone Solution?

Many of our clients are on glucose-lowering drugs and some take them when they are on the Insulite Natural Hormone Solution. While it’s unethical to tell you not to take any medicine, we can tell you that the Natural Hormone Solution is designed to have a similar effect as this medication. It is our philosophy to treat the cause of the condition and not modify symptoms. Please consult with your physician if you wish to discontinue the use of any medication.If you decide to stay on the medication, you can safely continue of the Insulite Natural Hormone Solution, too. Having a glucometer at home is ideal for testing your blood sugar. We would advise testing regularly the first week you are on the Insulite Natural Hormone Solution so you can detect any blood sugar changes. If you do not have a glucometer, watch for the following for the first week: low energy, fatigue, headaches, irritability, unusual hunger-these are all clues to not having balanced blood sugars. [individual results may vary]


Can I take glucophage (Metformin) while being on the Insulite Natural Hormone Solution?

Yes. Glucophage acts as an anti-hyperglycemic; it reduces glucose thereby reducing insulin levels. It is prescribed to women with PCOS because the condition is generally caused by Insulin Resistance. Some women with PCOS respond well to glucophage in terms of losing weight and regulating their menses, but we hear from many women for whom this medication is ineffective.Our view on the pharmaceutical treatment of PCOS is that there is no one drug on the market that will change your condition. The only way to reverse the disorder is to reduce elevations in insulin which directly affect testosterone and other hormonal changes that are responsible for causing PCOS. The Insulite Natural Hormone Solution was created to address the cause of PCOS. With those on glucophage, we cannot say we have noticed dramatic results in weight loss, infertility, acne or other symptoms related to PCOS. These symptoms can be partially controlled by diet and exercise changes. The addition of nutritional supplementation can help you become more sensitive to insulin and reduce the symptoms of Insulin Resistance and PCOS.If you decide to keep taking glucophage while you are on the Insulite Natural Hormone Solution, we recommend that you test your blood sugar daily for the first few weeks, because being on the Insulite Natural Hormone Solution and taking glucophage might decrease your blood sugar beyond what you expect.This is the good news, however. If you find this is happening, speak to your doctor about withdrawing from the glucophage. [individual results may vary]


Is Dianette an effective treatment for PCOS?

Dianette is a hormone therapy comprised of synthetic estrogen and progesterone. We are not in favor of synthetic hormones as they cover up symptoms rather treating the cause. Additionally, there are issues with synthetics in terms of a safe and healthy metabolism. PCOS is generally caused by Insulin Resistance and Dianette does not do anything to treat that condition. [individual results may vary]


Why does the Insulite Natural Hormone Solution recommend a regular exercise program to reverse PCOS?

The main reason we recommend exercise as one of the five critical elements of the Insulite Natural Hormone Solution is that it will reduce your insulin secretion which can be a primary cause of PCOS. Exercise is a necessary component of dealing with the symptoms of PCOS.It boosts your metabolism, burns calories, and increases the number of receptor sites on your cells’ surface allowing glucose to enter the cell and be converted to energy instead of fat. Keep in mind there is no single strategy that is effective for PCOS. It takes a multi-element system to support these changes metabolically. [individual results may vary]


I am diabetic. Can I take the Insulite Natural Hormone Solution if I am on actos?

Yes, it is safe to take Actos and be on the Insulite Natural Hormone Solution simultaneously. Actos is an anti-diabetic drug that is designed to improve the way your insulin is being used or to increase your sensitivity to your own insulin. This drug improves glycemic control and, along with being on the Insulite Natural Hormone Solution, will help you become more sensitive to your own insulin over time. This could help prevent you from becoming resistant to the insulin you are taking or injecting. Actos may be prescribed if you have PCOS as an indirect way to manage this disorder. Actos by itself will not help you achieve weight loss. The added benefit of the Insulite Nutritional Supplement products is that you will also have chromium, vanadium, and antioxidants to improve your sensitivity to insulin and reduce the damage from having too much insulin in the past. Actos does not do this. Additionally, we want to reinforce the fact that there is no single pill that can reverse Insulin Resistance or excess weight and obesity. [individual results may vary]


I have had a few minor changes in my digestion since starting the Insulite Natural Hormone Solution. Why is this happening?

We have had feedback from a small percentage of our customers that they experience gas, bloating, changes in the frequency of bowel movements and even a change in the color of stools. This is mainly due to more fiber than one is usually accustomed to consuming each day. This increase can cause these symptoms, which are completely benign and will resolve over time. However, is this is the case with you, we recommend consuming a smaller amount of fiber to begin with and then work up to the full suggested use. If these symptoms persist, please contact our Consulting & Advisory Teams.[individual results may vary]


Since starting the Insulite supplements, I have had a few headaches. Why is this and what can I do about it?

We have had feedback from a small percentage of our customers that they have experienced headaches when starting to take the Insulite nutritional supplements.There are several reasons headaches could be happening, all of which represent positive changes taking place in your system.Headaches could be due to your body detoxifying, which is a great thing. Or it could be low blood sugar, due to your decrease in carbohydrates. Another reason could be that you are eating carbohydrates without combining them with protein or fat.If you are uncomfortable, we suggest you decrease all of the Insulite nutritional supplements by half for the first two weeks and consume three liters of water over the course of the day. Slowing the suggested use will take care of this symptom and drinking plenty of water will help flush out toxins.Headaches can also result from a change in bowel habits due to nutritional making diet changes. Again, drinking plenty of water with a decrease in the Insulite supplements at the beginning of the program will help eliminate this problem. If your headaches continue despite both of these changes, please consult our Consulting & Advisory Teams. [individual results may vary]


What kind of pancreatic and adrenal tissue is used in the Insulite Natural Hormone Solution?

The pancreatic tissues in the Insulite Nutritional Supplements are derived from porcine (pig) from the United States. The adrenal tissues in the Insulite Nutritional Supplements are derived from bovine (cow) derived from Argentina. They are both free-range, hormone-free, and pesticide-free. Theses glandulars are the only animal-derived substances in our products.


Can I still take my multivitamins while on the Insulite PCOS System?

Yes. You can take your multivitamins while on the Insulite PCOS System. Here is a suggested schedule:

1/2 hour before breakfast: PolyPlus-2 capsules
With breakfast: InsulX-2 capsules and RejuvaPlus-2 capsules
With Lunch: InsulX-2 capsules and RejuvaPlus-2 capsules
Between lunch and dinner: PolyPlus-2 capsules

Your vitamins can be taken at meal time with the InsulX and RejuvaPlus. [individual results may vary]


About Insulin Resistance


Why does Insulin Resistance cause excessive food cravings?

Insulin Resistance can be the result of imbalances in your insulin and glucose levels. These imbalances can cause dramatic swings in your blood sugar level. The biological effect is that your brain continues to send signals saying it needs food. As a result, you continue to feel hungry, yet no amount of food is likely to satisfy your cravings for very long.


Does eating a diet high in fat contribute Insulin Resistance?

No, fat does not cause the “spiking” that occurs with the repeated consumption of carbohydrates. A diet high in fat might not, however enhance your chances of weight loss and can pose other health risks. The consumption of trans-fats has been shown to increase the insulin insensitivity. Trans fats are found in crackers, chips, cookies, bakery items, pastries, and margarine and should be avoided completely.


Is Insulin Resistance the same thing as Type 2 Diabetes?

No, Insulin Resistance can occur for many years before Type 2 Diabetes is diagnosed. With Insulin Resistance, the pancreas is producing TOO MUCH INSULIN and with Diabetes, the pancreas can no longer produce enough insulin. If treated early, Insulin Resistance does not eventually become Diabetes. Additionally, Insulin Resistance does not require the daily administration of medication to control it.


Am I doomed to get Type 2 Diabetes if I have Insulin Resistance?

No, with proper nutrition and diet and a moderate exercise plan, you can certainly manage and perhaps even REVERSE the conditions of Insulin Resistance which ultimately will be the best strategy to prevent Diabetes.


About Weight Loss


How soon will I lose weight on the Natural Hormone Solution Program?

To transform your body’s chemistry in a manner that will lead to permanent change takes time, commitment, persistence, and patience. To control and even reverse Insulin Resistance you must honestly commit to altering your lifestyle. Once you make this commitment, Insulite Health is here to help.Before you sign up for the Insulite Natural Hormone Solution, please remember that no single pill can reverse Insulin Resistance or weight gain. The way to control these conditions is with a complete system that requires commitment and realistic expectations. Insulite Health recommends that you lose no more than 1/2 – 1 lb. a week on the System so you can experience long-lasting weight loss without the heartbreaking “rebound effect”.


Why do you recommend gradual weight loss?

Gradual weight reduction results in a more permanent change in the way your cells respond to insulin. Research shows that the rapid weight loss found in most fad diets is almost immediately followed by rapid weight gain. Why? Because the body has a memory. If you have been overweight for some time, your body recognizes being overweight as its normal state. When you lose weight quickly, the body does not have time to habituate. It sees the rapid weight loss as abnormal and, once a diet is stopped, it makes an effort to get back as quickly as possible to the normal retaining of fat. At Insulite Health, we emphasize gradual weight loss so the body can slowly adapt to a lighter weight. In fact, in an effort to eliminate the dreaded “rebound effect” of weight loss and gain we recommend in most instances that the System be used to lose no more than 1/2 to 1 lb. a week. Insulite Health wants you to be healthy for life, not thin for one event in your life.While you can expect to see and feel changes sooner, we recommend that you commit to being on the Natural Hormone Solution Program for at least six months. At this point, we ask that you contact us for a complementary consultation with our Consulting & Advisory Teams. We will evaluate your progress with you and make recommendations for a course of action based on that evaluation. We cannot and will not make claims that this Program will produce an overnight transformation. Rapid weight loss is unhealthy and non-permanent. We do guarantee that, if you follow this program for six months, you will experience weight loss, increased vitality, and better health.


Is this just another high protein, low carbohydrate diet?

No, this is a system of elements that when followed carefully will completely eliminate the need for “diets”. This is not an Atkins or Protein Power look-a-like plan. While protein is emphasized on this program, carbohydrates are not excluded. The Insulite Natural Hormone Solution includes not only a Nutrition Plan but also Supplement and Exercise Plans, as well as a Support Network. Our Nutrition Plan recommends a healthier balance of protein and healthier carbohydrates (e.g. vegetables, fruits) than that which the majority of Americans currently consume. The Nutrition Plan is carefully designed to keep your blood sugar stable so you are hungry only at mealtimes, you are satisfied easily, and your energy stays constant throughout the day. Additionally, the specialized nutritional supplement program “instructs” or “reminds” your insulin and glucose how to work together again for the prevention of weight gain.Another reason you are likely to succeed on the Natural Hormone Solution Program is the emphasis we place on Support. Studies show that support is vital to any lifestyle transition. The goal of the Insulite Support Network is to keep you motivated through weekly messages with advice on nutrition, healthy recipes, exercise, and research on Insulin Resistance and its related conditions such as PCOS, Metabolic Syndrome (Syndrome X), Pre-Diabetes, and Cardiovascular Disease. Program participants also receive weekly email tips  and can obtain feedback on their progress at any time by contacting your NHS community manager via email.


Can I use Slim Fast or a Power Bar for lunch and still use this product?

We recommend eating a high protein bar like Balance Bar that is designed to have a ratio of at least 30% protein to 40% carbohydrates. High protein foods like nuts, cottage cheese, and lean meats are also good suggestions when you are on the go.


If I am following the Nutrition and Exercise Plans and taking all the supplements and am NOT losing weight, could it be my level of stress?

Yes, stress will increase the circulating levels of cortisol. Just like adrenalin, cortisol causes the release of glucose from your liver. Therefore, stress increases blood levels of glucose and consequently causes an increase in insulin secretion from your pancreas, which further contributes to your Insulin Resistance. Cortisol also causes an increase in fat storage around your abdomen and thighs.


If I have already done Atkins and “failed” why would I succeed with this program?

The Natural Hormone Solution Program recommends a more realistic and healthy nutrition plan and emphasizes a reasonable exercise plan. Once you master both of these concepts, the likelihood of gaining weight in the future is minimal. The nutrients in our Nutritional Supplement element increase the way your body uses insulin and reduces the cardiovascular effects of having too much insulin. The Atkins diet merely suggests severe carb restriction without emphasizing the importance of healthy nutrients to reverse the condition of Insulin Resistance. The Insulite Natural Hormone Solution’s goal is to increase the number of insulin receptor sites on the cell surface. Because of the targeted amounts of nutrients delivered in the System, there is a much more positive impact on Insulin Resistance, resulting in more permanent success with weight loss.In addition, the specialized Nutritional Supplement element “instructs” or reminds” your insulin and glucose how to work together again for the prevention of weight gain. Another reason you are likely to succeed on the Natural Hormone Solution Program is the emphasis we place on Support. Studies show that support is vital to any lifestyle transition. A key objective of the System is to keep you motivated through weekly messages with advice on nutrition, healthy recipes, exercise, and research on Insulin Resistance and related conditions such as Metabolic Syndrome (Syndrome X), Cardiovascular Disease and Pre-Diabetes. program participants also receive weekly email tips and can obtain feedback on their progress at any time by contacting your NHS community manager via email.


About Ordering the Natural Hormone Solution Program


How do I order the Natural Hormone Solution Program?

You can order online via our website: or by email us at [email protected] or calling toll-free in the United States 1-888-272-8250. Please note that your  order will be shipped as soon as your credit card clears.


Are my credit card details secure when ordering through your website?

Yes. Our Order Page is a secured server page. Your data is safely encrypted and is safe from unauthorized access. View our Privacy Policy


Can I order just the Natural Hormone Solution Supplements?

The Natural Hormone Solution has been designed as an integrated program and is not divided into individual components. Combined, the five elements of the Natural Hormone Solution can reverse Insulin Resistance, the root cause of hormone imbalance.


Can you ship your products outside of the U.S.?

Yes, in order to give our customers the least expensive method of shipping, all orders outside the United States will be shipped via DHL International Service. Estimated delivery times will vary from country to country and take between 7 days – 2 weeks depending on the country and their customs procedures. We want our international customers to be aware that cross-border shipments are subject to opening and inspection by Customs authorities. We cannot predict how Customs will process international shipments nor can we refund payment for orders that have been opened or delayed in Customs. You (the recipient) are responsible for extra delivery charges, duties, tax fees, and any other charges that may be incurred by importing products into your country. Insulite Health has no control over these charges. We recommend that you contact the shipping destination Customs office for further information. If at any time during the ordering process, you have questions, please contact our Customer Care Department. Prices and payment are in US dollars. Exchange rates are automatically calculated on your credit card bill. For today’s currency conversion, we suggest you access or another exchange rate resource.


What is your Returns Policy?

Click here to read about our Returns Policy.



Next Steps

  1. Take the PCOS Quiz!  Get your score and assess your hormone health risks.
  2. Join our Facebook Sisterhood Group Pose your questions to this group of like-minded women. Get the answers to your questions and the support you need.
  3. Checkout the Hormone Reset. Guided Practices to eliminate anxiety, lose weight and boost energy.

We are committed to helping women reverse their symptoms of hormone imbalance – a major cause of excess weight gain, adult acne, unwanted facial hair, depression, anxiety, and heartbreaking female infertility.

©Insulite Health empowers women with hormone imbalance to transform their lives through a process of healing with the Natural Hormone Solution  –a complete solution for helping women reverse the symptoms hormone imbalance..