Why a PCOS Hysterectomy is Not a Cure

PCOS and Hysterectomy

A PCOS hysterectomy may seem to be the polycystic ovarian syndrome cure-all. I mean, if the name of the condition suggests that it is centered in our reproductive system, why not just remove it like a cancer and be done? After all, we’ve probably all tried the pharmaceutical remedies for dealing with weight gain, irregular periods, skin problems, and mood swings, to name a few of our many symptoms. We’ve dealt with the side effects, and maybe even
decided to change our life naturally. Still, even after years of successfully managing these problems, we may be wondering if we can go without these remedies.

Finally, as a last resort to “cure” our condition, our physician may recommend a hysterectomy. Although this might make sense on the surface, a PCOS hysterectomy isn’t the way to restore our health. Not at all. The key to reducing and curing our symptoms is actually hidden inside of us all.

What is a PCOS Hysterectomy?

So, why would a doctor tell us we should have a PCOS hysterectomy to treat our polycystic ovarian syndrome? During a hysterectomy, the uterus is removed along with one or both ovaries. The idea behind the surgery is that once the ovaries are gone, the symptoms of PCOS will simply vanish. However, PCOS is more than just a structural problem with our bodies. At the very foundation of our PCOS is a hormonal imbalance. The tiny cysts that are forming on our ovaries are a complication of the imbalance, not because the ovaries are failing us.

If our doctors are insisting a hysterectomy is the way to go, it may be high time to find a new doctor. We want a physician who listens to us and will guide us to finding the most natural, non-invasive way to better managing our PCOS.

Why Not a PCOS Hysterectomy?

A PCOS hysterectomy doesn’t present a cure to polycystic ovarian synrdome and may have unwanted consequences that worsen our symptoms. What is the most common complaint we likely all have about our PCOS? For most of us, the answer lay in the way that hormonal changes throw our bodies in complete disarray. We suffer from mood swings, periods of severe inflammation, and insulin resistance that cause drastic changes in our waistline. The scary thing is studies have proven that a hysterectomy will cause all of these conditions to likely worsen after we have undergone the dramatic, irreversible procedure.

A hysterectomy throws our bodies into a state of hormonal deficiency. The hormone deficiency is immediate and drastic, unlike the gradual way our bodies eventually slow down the production of estrogen and progesterone as we go through menopause. These hormones not only control our reproduction cycles, but also offer protection against serious diseases.

As women living with PCOS, we are all aware of how insulin resistance affects our bodies. When our systems are not using insulin effectively, there’s a buildup of glucose in our blood. Insulin resistance leads to weight gain and is a precursor to diabetes. Worse yet, insulin resistance has been linked to causing other serious medical conditions such as hypertension, endometrial cancer, and breast cancer. The bottom line is that for our own well being, we need to get insulin resistance under control and studies have proven that women who have hysterectomies still suffer from insulin resistance post-procedure.

With PCOS, we suffer from chronic inflammation. Our white blood cells works overtime as a way to treat all the symptoms are bodies are experiencing on a daily basis. A domino effect takes place where our immune systems are always on high alert and not healing us in the ways it needs to be. Hysterectomies do not stop this inflammation from occurring and we will still continuously experience haywire immune responses.

Along with immune system stress, we will feel emotional stress following a hysterectomy. The hormones that are needed to manage stress and to feel good about ourselves will stop normal production. Serotonin is known as the “feel good” chemical and once a hysterectomy takes place, serotonin levels are no longer regulated. We will go through mood swings and feel as if we are on an emotional roller coaster that we can never get off.

Some PCOS symptoms mimic the symptoms of menopause. A common misconception is that a hysterectomy allow us to skip the side effects of menopause altogether. In actuality, a hysterectomy is linked to causing premature menopause. Signs of premature menopause include vaginal dryness, loss of bladder control, skin irritation, insomnia, and mood swings. All of these symptoms come from a lack of estrogen in our bodies.

We must address our hormonal issues directly. Once our hormone levels are under control, it’s very likely we won’t need a PCOS hysterectomy at all.

Healing With Our Five-Point System

We have developed an easy to follow five-point system to help us all avoid the need for a hysterectomy. After overhauling these five areas of our life, we will see huge changes in the way our body looks and feels. We will go on to live healthier, richer lives.

The five steps include:

  • Nutraceutical Solutions
  • Food as Medicine
  • Movement as Medicine
  • Awareness of Cravings
  • Support of Transformation

At its very basis, our comprehensive plan involves changing the way we eat, sleep, and move to see transformative results. Following a healthy, nutrient-rich diet plan will feed us what we need to nourish and cure our fragile bodies. Within the plan, there’s also an increased awareness of how to fight our unhealthy food cravings. Carbohydrate addiction is a real and very dangerous thing for PCOS women. With our reliance on carbohydrates for energy, we’re actually zapping our energy stores and worsening our insulin resistance. Exercise is just as important as diet to our overall health and wellness. A well-designed exercise program can have a staggering effect on how our body responds to insulin. Exercise causes the abundance of glucose being stored in our blood to move to the muscles that need it. Both cardio exercise and strength training exercises will offer benefits to better managing our PCOS.

There’s also a need for a support network on our path to a putting our polycystic ovarian syndrome into remission. We aren’t invincible and can’t do it all on our own. We need to be able to talk freely about how we are feeling and our concerns about our health. Within our extensive network, we need to connect with others who can offer us personalized coaching on how to treat our PCOS. We are each built differently and require different things. What works for one of us, may not work for everyone else.

We have been taught for a long time, how our doctors know best. If he or she tells us we need a hysterectomy to cure our polycystic ovarian syndrome, our first instinct may be to follow their medical advice. But our health is always in our hands. We must be willing to get a second opinion and find a doctor who is willing to explore other ways to get our PCOS into remission. We need doctors who listen compassionately and offer support instead of those who are misinformed about the way hysterectomies will affect our future health.

Why a PCOS Hysterectomy is Not a Cure | PCOS Insulite Health






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Next Steps

  1. Take the PCOS Quiz!  Get your score and assess your hormone health risks.
  2. Join our Facebook Sisterhood Group Pose your questions to this group of like-minded women. Get the answers to your questions and the support you need.
  3. Checkout the Hormone Reset. Guided Practices to eliminate anxiety, lose weight and boost energy.

We are committed to helping women reverse their symptoms of hormone imbalance – a major cause of excess weight gain, adult acne, unwanted facial hair, depression, anxiety, and heartbreaking female infertility.

©Insulite Health empowers women with hormone imbalance to transform their lives through a process of healing with the Natural Hormone Solution  –a complete solution for helping women reverse the symptoms hormone imbalance..