My Story… Looking back now I can recall when it all started for me. I was 12 years old when I used to get these terrible headaches. I was supposed to be starting my period as a young woman then but never did. My hormones were off balance. I never started a period on my own at all after that and when I was 23 my mother finally took me to a doctor to get help who then put me on Birth Control. I could never stay on them because they made me feel so horrible. The mood swings were so awful so I have missed many periods over the years.
I was fortunate enough to have had a child four years ago finally at the age of 35 and afterwards got help for why I was not having my own periods. I was diagnosed with PCOS. The discovery was great now knowing what I had after all these years but after many tests and discoveries I learned that there was no cure and nothing that I could do about it. I was told to go back onto Birth Control again. I wasn’t going to have that. I couldn’t do that again.
I became increasingly sick after my son was born. My condition was dormant for all those years but after having had my son my body was trying to work on it’s own with great difficulty and I was becoming more and more ill. I realized that the underlying cause of PCOS was insulin resistance and realized what I was dealing with. I started researching it on my own to try and see what I could do about it but could only change my diet and try to exercise more but I was still feeling very ill. I knew something was terribly wrong with me.
I had come across Insulite Labs website numerous times over the many months of researching PCOS to try to figure out what this disease was and it was only until lately that I decided to give them a try. The time was right for me. I knew in my heart that I had to discover if what they were saying was true and if they could really help me. And I’m here to say that decision changed my life.
Four years of being sick was a horrible time for me. Every day was a challenge to get through it. I lived a nightmare of an existence and wasn’t even able to hold down a job that’s how bad it was for me. But the very first day I was finally able to take my first set of pills I had a new energy that I hadn’t felt in such a long time. I couldn’t believe it was working that fast for me. I felt so excited to think that I had stumbled across something that was going to work. Every day after that I was feeling better and was astonished. Amazed at the thought that I wasn’t feeling sick as much. It was doing something to help me.
I still want to cry at how much better I feel sometimes and thank God that I came across this product. I have had a period every month now since I first started and am now going on my fourth month of using this product. I am here to say that it is really all up to you how you feel because I have had some bad moments again after not watching my diet and have felt poorly along the way but when I get back on track and follow the guidelines for what you should eat and drink I return to feeling very good again. It’s a constant effort to take care of yourself but it’s worth it all knowing your are getting yourself back to a place of good health again. I eat well now. I stay away from caffeine which is a bad trigger item for me. It makes me feel so sick so I just don’t consume it. Oh, and don’t skip meals.
I just want to say that this product works. It’s going to help you get back to yourself and start the process of healing and I want to wish everyone the best who is on the same journey I started four months ago. Good Health to you and Thank You Insulite Labs for helping my life. I wouldn’t be anywhere today without you. I shutter to think where I would be now. I feel good, and I have you to thank.
Please recognize that, because of individual variability and the severity of your condition, women achieve varying results and in different time frames. As many of our testimonials indicate, some women get an almost immediate response. We do not want to create false hope because PCOS is a serious condition and in most cases, results will take longer to achieve and may vary from person to person.
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Next Steps
- Take the PCOS Quiz!  Get your score and assess your hormone health risks.
- Join our Facebook Sisterhood Group Pose your questions to this group of like-minded women. Get the answers to your questions and the support you need.
- Checkout the Hormone Reset. Guided Practices to eliminate anxiety, lose weight and boost energy.
We are committed to helping women reverse their symptoms of hormone imbalance – a major cause of excess weight gain, adult acne, unwanted facial hair, depression, anxiety, and heartbreaking female infertility.
©Insulite Health empowers women with hormone imbalance to transform their lives through a process of healing with the Natural Hormone Solution  –a complete solution for helping women reverse the symptoms hormone imbalance..