Lindsay Chandler’s PCOS Infertility Story

Hi, this is Robin Nielsen, and I’m the Chief Wellness officer here at Insulite Health, We are so excited to celebrate infertility awareness week with you. We’re going to celebrate hope, because we’ve seen so many times how women are told that they will never be able to have children, and we believe it. We wanted to share with you stories of women who were told this, or who had given up hope, or who’ve really struggled with fertility and have found their way. We want to share that hope with you.

Today, I’m interviewing a beautiful Lindsay Chandler. I know Lindsay really well because she used to work with me. We got reconnected a little while later, and she’s going to share that story. She has an amazing fertility story. In fact, she is expecting and is due in just a couple of weeks. Right?

Four more weeks.

Yeah. Oh my gosh, we’re so excited to share in this joy with you. Lindsey, tell us, you live in California, and we’d love to hear what are you passionate about in life?

Oh, my family, mostly. I have a 3 1/2 year old who’s so much fun. He’s home with me, and I stay home with him. Just being healthy, I think, is super important to me, and taking care of myself and my family, I think.

Yeah. That’s evident. I see your posts on Facebook, and oh my gosh, you’re so adorable. They’re all around your family, so I know family is a really big deal for you. Tell us your fertility story. We want to hear from start to finish what’s happened for you, and how you found your way out, kind of.

Well, I didn’t really know I had a fertility issues until recently, but I had always had irregular periods, and I have always been a little bit overweight, and struggled with losing weight and just feeling good. After I got married, my husband and I had tried, it took two years to get pregnant with our son, but it never crossed my mind that it was because I had fertility issues. I just thought we just were not getting pregnant. I went through my first pregnancy with some hormonal issues and things like that, which I didn’t connect to PCOS until after I had learned that I did have PCOS. About a year after he was born, we started trying again. Took about two years to get pregnant, but in that time I had seen my doctor, and she had diagnosed me with PCOS.

Okay, so then once you were diagnosed … You were unable to get pregnant the second time around. I know that you and I had connected because we were trying to work on a few things. Then you couldn’t get pregnant. Tell us what happened.

Right, well I had gotten pregnant and had a miscarriage very early.


That’s when I decided that I needed to go see a doctor and make sure that everything was right, working right. The doctor wanted to put me on Clomid right away, I think without even really running any tests, and I didn’t feel comfortable with that. I thought, “Let me give it a little more time and see what happens.” Another six months or so had gone by, “Okay, nothing is happening, let me go find another doctor that I can talk to.” She actually had ran some tests, and I had elevated testosterone levels. Along with that, I also had irregular periods, which I’ve had my entire life. She suggested  start the Clomid. I did Clomid for about five months with her.

Okay, so you did Clomid for about five months, and then were you … So tell us a little bit about what Clomid is supposed to help you with.

It’s supposed to help ovulate. What it does is it tricks your brain into producing extra estrogen to produce more eggs in hopes that one egg gets … you get fertilized, or whatever they say.


To become pregnant.

That, after how many months was that?

It was four or five rounds of Clomid, so for me, since my cycle was irregular, it was about five or six months of doing that.

Okay. That didn’t work for you.

No. No, no. Nope. I knew that I had to look for other options. I knew that there were other options out there.

Yeah. With the Clomid, were there any side effects?

Yeah, I felt a bit crazy. It’s a chemical, it’s supposed to make your body produce more hormones. I felt very strange. I wasn’t really thrilled to do it, but we wanted to have more children, so.

Yeah. Okay. Then what. That wasn’t working, so did you go back to your doctor? Did you do some of your own research?

I did some research online, and I had looked up … When she had first diagnosed me with PCOS, I came across a PCOS website. I read through that and I wasn’t really sure how comfortable I felt just ordering a product online until then I reconnected with you and you were associated with them. For me, that gave me more comfort in knowing that to go ahead and try something else. I decided to start that after my last round of Clomid. I was only on that program for six weeks, and then got pregnant.

You found You found Insulite Health, and then you read through a bunch of stuff. You thought, “Well, I don’t know whether to try this or not.” I remember that you private messaged me. We had a little conversation there. I said, “Oh my gosh.” Because I know that Lindsay is an amazing eater, she’s great at exercise. I know that she does everything right, so if she’s contacts me, then I know that she really needs help. I said, “Yeah, definitely give it a try,” because we know that if our body is healthy, that we can then not only conceive and carry a baby to full term, but we can also then produce a healthier baby. Right. That’s the whole idea. That’s where doing a drug like Clomid may help you get pregnant, but it might not help with the health of your body.

I knew that Lindsay was doing everything right, she just needed to get her hormones a little bit more imbalance, and maybe a little bit more insulin sensitive. Yeah, you tried the supplements, and I think it wasn’t till 10 weeks or so that you found out, but it only took about six weeks. You were already well on the path to really making sure your body was well cared for, but you just needed some extra nutrients to help you get the ovulation going again.

Right. The insulin issue, that I think the supplements helped with incredibly, because I didn’t ever think that I had had that problem until I started. Then finally the little bit of  weight I was trying to lose for years came off instantly. Skin was clear, everything felt so much better, and I just knew that the supplements were doing something really good.

Okay. Yeah, that’s right. That’s right, I remember you saying that you had felt the best that you’ve ever felt in your entire life.


That’s a great time to get pregnant.

Yeah. Shoot, but then it was so hard going from feeling so good, to then feeling so pregnant.

Yeah. Yeah.

I’m excited to get back.

A good problem to have though. A really good problem to have.


You’re at the end, and I think God made it so that it’s so uncomfortable at the end that you really really want to have that baby. Oh gosh. Is there anything else that you would like to share with a woman who may be really feeling kind of hopeless right now? Then we’re going to get to the three things that you would like to share.

I would say try the program, follow the program, follow the food program and the exercise program, and the supplement program, and take care of yourself. I totally believe in it. I totally believe in the program. I really believe that it is what helped me. It totally made a difference. I think it’s definitely something at least worth trying because the doctors can only help you so much. They really can. They don’t have any good suggestion on the natural side, in terms of food, suggests, and things like that that can help. I really believe in the program.

Yeah. One thing that we are so passionate about making sure women know is that we have all the power. We have all the power to heal our bodies, and we’re not going to find it externally. We have to find it within ourselves. We have to do the work. The nice part is that we definitely are here for you. I’d love to close with just three tips that you would give a woman who wants to get pregnant but who has been struggling. What are three things that you have done for yourself that have really really made all the difference?

Well, food. I would suggest … I follow a Paleo diet. I have never felt better. I have done that for a few years now, and I really think that it’s a great guideline to follow. Exercise. It’s super important, not just for your body, but your mind. Then I think following the supplement program. I think that your body, it just needs as much support as possible. You just have to give it a try.

Needs those nutrients, yeah. We’re not Clomid deficient, right, but easily be chromium deficient, or magnesium deficient, or carnitine deficient. Yeah. Those are great great tips. Well Lindsay, thank you so much for sharing your journey with us today. We really appreciate it.

We just wish you the absolutely very best. We cannot wait to see pictures of that little sweet baby.

Thank you Robin.

Next Steps

  1. Take the PCOS Quiz!  Get your score and assess your hormone health risks.
  2. Join our Facebook Sisterhood Group Pose your questions to this group of like-minded women. Get the answers to your questions and the support you need.
  3. Checkout the Hormone Reset. Guided Practices to eliminate anxiety, lose weight and boost energy.

We are committed to helping women reverse their symptoms of hormone imbalance – a major cause of excess weight gain, adult acne, unwanted facial hair, depression, anxiety, and heartbreaking female infertility.

©Insulite Health empowers women with hormone imbalance to transform their lives through a process of healing with the Natural Hormone Solution  –a complete solution for helping women reverse the symptoms hormone imbalance..