My Period is Regular But I Don’t Ovulate

Dear Robin: I get my periods every month same time of the month but It seems like I do not ovulate. What are some things I can do to help with this?
~ Yvonne

Dear Yvonne: This is such a great question because a women’s menstrual cycle is really a vital sign of health. We’re so lucky in that way.

If it’s normal (healthy) then your body is much healthier than if it’s not normal. If it’s not normal you need to figure out what’s going on and fix it. (Don’t confuse “normal” with “common”. What’s “common” is usually not healthy. What’s “normal” is healthy in every way.)

Yvonne, you did not state if you were on hormonal birth control or not. If you are using hormonal birth control in any form, i.e. birth control pills, IUDs, the Depo shot, etc. then you will not ovulate, but your “cycle” will seem regular (it’s not, but it will seem that way).

If you are not using hormonal birth control then you’ll have to look a little deeper.

Are you having any signs of ovulation like fertile mucous mid cycle, a rise in basal body temperature (you can use the Fertility Awareness Method), a positive urine ovulation stick and an increase in progesterone (as measured by a luteal phase blood test)? These are all indications of ovulation.

If you never ovulate, then your progesterone is too low to ovulate. Signs of low progesterone include: no fertile mucous, prolonged or heavy bleeding, PMS, and premenstrual bleeding or spotting.

So if you’re using hormonal birth control you’ll need to get off it to ovulate and have a normal cycle. If you’re not, then you have to learn how to support your body to make progesterone.

Did you know that just by improving your blood sugar balance and lowering insulin you can begin to ovulate again? It’s a powerful way to have a normal menstrual cycle. Check out the 5-Element System to help you with that.
~ Robin


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