Rebekah’s PCOS Story

Hi, this is Robin Nielsen and I’m the Chief Wellness Officer here at Insulite Health, I’m with the beautiful Rebekah Raines today and we’re going to talk a little bit about the Freedom From PCOS program.

Can you tell us a little bit about how that program supported you and how it might support somebody else who may be on the fence about whether to participate or not?

First of all, don’t be on the fence. It’s a no-question answer. Does that make sense? It means you should do it. I was on the supplements and system loosely. I say that loosely because I needed to tweak some things because it still wasn’t working, because my body wasn’t getting everything it needed yet.

Before I started the system, I was trying to do it on my own. That’s 1 of the 5 really important elements, and I thought I was doing okay on my own because my life is busy. I have too many things in it already. I know, we all relate. I didn’t want to add one more thing. I resisted that. Then the challenge came up and I was like, “Okay, I’ll just participate and see if it’s helpful.” Well, yes it was way more than helpful. I realized I was kind of lonely on my journey. I’m not a lonely person. My life is very full. I have lots of lovely, loving people in it, but no one that kind of understood those 10:00 “Oh my gosh, I have to eat something right now or I’m going to die” feeling, and you don’t really need to.

Becoming a part of the community just helped me understand that women are right there with me, and that it inspired me in kind of an accountability sort of way, of like what I do doesn’t matter, and other women do understand. You know what? I can do it for you and for me. You know, like we can do this together. That’s kind of how it hit me, seeing other people having difficulties, seeing other people having victories. Those victories.

I think you’ve said this many times, but your positivity and your victories multiply if you put them out there. I’m an advocate of that now. As soon as I started putting positive things on the boards to where I was, and recipes, and encouraging things that I’m learning, I just feel like it came back to me again. It just got better. Our words are powerful and when you put them out there in the world, they do make a difference, good or bad. If we’re going to be complaining and whining about, you know, “My back still really hurts a lot,” or am I going to be thrilled because now I have muscles, and feel wonderful, and my skin is clear? What do I choose to focus on? I’m choosing to focus on a positive, and put the positive out there. You can’t put your positive things out to no one. That’s not quite the same, so being a part of this community, it has changed my life.

I will forever be a part of it in the sense of, I’d love to encourage other women to do the same, and I love to encourage each person. Take your step. Take your journey, but don’t do it alone. You can’t do it alone, even a spouse, a friend, a mom, or a sister who isn’t quite where you are might not understand the challenges on the way. I love my family, and they’re incredible people, but they don’t have that same challenge, so it is different. Reach out. Reach out. It’s hard, but you can do it.

What you’re saying, kind of, is what we focus on grows.


When you’re in community like that, it helps you focus more on you and what you need to be focusing on, maybe, to take care of yourself. When you’re doing it alone, like you said, there is nobody to share it with. We know that science shows that community- it’s so interesting because there is a book called The Blue Zones. There is this whole concept of communities around the world who live longer and healthier than any other people. Those are people who live in community, like-minded.

Like-minded. Yes.

Yes. Like-minded. When we’re all together, we can commiserate together because we did some of that, right?


Hearing where you are, and then the really cool thing is that you’ve got all these women who jump in and say, “I know. I’ve been there and here’s what I did.” That’s so beautiful. It was just such a joy to have you part of it because you were just like that. Even though it might not have felt like it for you, you were just the shining light out there for so many in the community.

So many times, I would read what other people would say and it would resonate in my heart. I would either get teary-eyed and be like, “I know. I totally get that,” or I would laugh out loud and be like, “Oh yeah. Oh yeah.” Women need women.

We do. We really need women. We’re in that male-doing energy all the time, and we really need to just hang out with each other, and share some pleasure.

It’s an incredible thing if you let it be what God created it to be, or whomever you believe in. What He created us to be in relationships that are inspiring to each other, instead of just doing the checklist, getting the things done, keeping your house clean, going to work, you know. It’s about more than that.

Yeah, it is.

Feeling wonderful, feeling energetic, looking forward today, and eating incredibly beautiful food is healthy.

It is. It’s yummy. It’s delicious, and you feel so good. We take take baths in this program. We take what we call the Sweet Dreams Bath, and one of our beautiful goddesses in the program was taking her bath one night, and she realized- she’d been married a long time. She’s been married 20 plus years.

About 25 years.

Yeah. She realized that she was hungrier, hairier, and hornier than her husband for all these years. It just kind of came to her, and she wanted to use all the H’s, so that’s how it came up with “hornier.” It was just a really insightful post.


Well, thank you so much for being on the call today. I know that this has been a challenging time for you to set aside for all of our beautiful community, because your babies are not well today. Thank you so much Rebekah. We really appreciate you. Rebekah, welcome as our first, very first ever advisory board member.

Thank you.

We’re so honored and grateful. We’re going to rock this advisory board thing. We’re on the lookout for other rock stars who might fit Rebekah’s profile.

Everyone’s unique. Everyone’s unique.

Everyone’s unique, but you know, who has that same passion and we’ll get a really good thing started here. Thank you, again, so much for joining us, and we’ll see you out there.

Yes. Maybe never face-to-face, but yes our hearts will meet.

Absolutely. Bye bye.

Next Steps

  1. Take the PCOS Quiz!  Get your score and assess your hormone health risks.
  2. Join our Facebook Sisterhood Group Pose your questions to this group of like-minded women. Get the answers to your questions and the support you need.
  3. Checkout the Hormone Reset. Guided Practices to eliminate anxiety, lose weight and boost energy.

We are committed to helping women reverse their symptoms of hormone imbalance – a major cause of excess weight gain, adult acne, unwanted facial hair, depression, anxiety, and heartbreaking female infertility.

©Insulite Health empowers women with hormone imbalance to transform their lives through a process of healing with the Natural Hormone Solution  –a complete solution for helping women reverse the symptoms hormone imbalance..

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