Yoga actually reverses the clinical and biochemical changes associated with heart-damaging, PCOS-linked metabolic syndrome, according to a new survey from India.
Researchers at SP Medical College in Bikaner evaluated the beneficial effects of yoga and meditation on 55 out of 101 adults who showed symptoms of metabolic syndrome.
In the study, the 55 adults received three months of regular yoga including standard stress management, yoga poses and a form of transcendental meditation daily. During that time they continued to receive their standard care. The other adults in the survey did not perform yoga.
The results showed that, compared to the other group, the yoga participants reduced blood pressure and waist circumference, as well as lowering levels of blood sugar and triglycerides. And HDL “good” cholesterol levels were higher in the yoga group.
Yoga has been known for centuries to balance the endocrine system and hormones. Now it is also being recognized as a way to balance blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of disorders brought on by unhealthy Western diets.
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- Take the PCOS Quiz!  Get your score and assess your hormone health risks.
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- Checkout the Hormone Reset. Guided Practices to eliminate anxiety, lose weight and boost energy.
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